JF-PL201 Titanium surface conditioner
This product is a metal titanium salt surface conditioner (commonly known as glue titanium surface conditioner) used before phosphating treatment of workpiece surface at room temperature, Impregnation and spraying can be used to adjust the surface structure of steel, zinc and their alloys before phosphating. It is especially important for phosphating with zinc phosphate phosphating solution. It is also an indispensable process for rapid phosphating at low temperature (room temperature).
Main features
●The surface adjustment can eliminate the non-uniformity of the surface state caused by the process of alkali oil removal and acid rust removal, refine the crystal nuclei, increase the number of crystal nuclei, improve the compactness and corrosion resistance of the phosphating film, improve the appearance of the phosphating film, and greatly improve the phosphating quality.
The activation of the surface modifier accelerates the initial deposition rate of the phosphating film, reduces the phosphating temperature and the consumption of phosphating solution, and reduces the phosphating treatment
The sediments in the tank liquid can shorten the phosphating time and reduce the phosphating cost.
This product uses a single preparation, the preparation tank liquid is easy, good solubility, strong penetration, no precipitation, easy to wash, easy to operate, simple management.
This product uses water as solvent, does not contain toxic substances, does not produce harmful gases, can be recycled repeatedly and has a long service life, good environmental protection.
Technical indicators
Preface No. Item Purpose Of Standard
1 Characters White powder, alkaline, opalescent liquid in appearance
2 Proportioning (‰) Impregnation 1-3; Spray 0.5 ~ 1.5
3 PH value of tank fluid 8.0 ~ 9.5
4 Processing temperature Normal temperature
5 Time (min) Impregnation 1 ~ 2; Spray 0.5 ~ 1
6 Ti value (PPM) 40 ~ 70
7. Storage method Seal in dry and cool place, shelf life: 3 years
Daily management and maintenance of working fluid preparation
When the pH value is low, 10% aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide (both caustic soda) or sodium carbonate can be used for adjustment. If the treatment liquid is used continuously or treated for a long time, the tank liquid is easy to age and the surface adjustment effect is decreased (judged by the phosphating quality of the workpiece after the phosphating treatment with the coating agent), it shall be supplemented.
充LF-301 to restore its effect. The water washing of degreasing and pickling process before surface adjustment treatment shall be sufficient, and the bath shall be rebuilt when the bath liquid becomes yellow or yellow-brown due to impurity mixing.
Notes:The treatment tank liquid is alkaline solution, and the waste water is treated according to the requirements of the local environmental protection department, and can only be discharged after neutralization with sulfuric acid solution.Security measures:This agent is alkaline substance, has the slight corrosiveness, should wear the acid and alkali-resistant glove operation, pays attention to the labor protection. In the cleaning process should avoid the agent sticking to the skin, mouth and eyes, or immediately rinse with a large number of clean water, feeling untimely should be timely medical treatment.
Storage method:Seal the dry, cool and ventilated place; Three years.
Packing: 25 Kg/woven bag, 2 Kg/film bag/20 Kg/carton. It is transported according to ordinary chemicals.
(1) 磷化膜广泛用作油漆、电泳漆、粉末涂层及其他**涂层的底层。磷化能够大幅度提高金属表面上**涂层的附着力和耐腐蚀性。它是一种工艺稳定可靠、成本相对低廉、操作简单的表面处理方法。汽车涂装,几乎100%都采用磷化膜层作为底层。磷化膜之所以能够为涂层提供良好底层,主要的原因在于:金属零件经过磷化处理以后,可以提供一个清洁、均匀、无油脂、无锈蚀的表面;由于磷化膜的多孔性结构,增加了零件的表面积,使涂层与磷化膜之间产生了互相的渗透,从而增强了涂层在零件上的附着力;磷化膜提供了一层稳定的不导电隔离层,一旦涂层破损,它具有抑止涂层下金属继续腐蚀的作用,从而大大提高了被保护金属的耐蚀性。
JF-PM818 厚膜磷化液
应用说明:本品系中温条件下的钢铁表面耐蚀锌锰系磷化覆膜剂,可在短时间内使钢铁处理工件表面形成一层结晶细而致密的磷化膜,膜呈黑灰色、细致均匀、耐蚀性优异(硫酸铜点滴试验可大于 10 分钟)、抗磨性能好,广泛用于轴承缸套、活塞环、汽摩配、各种机械部件等磷化质量要求较高领域的表面处理,亦可配合润滑剂作为钢件冷挤压磷化处理。
1.2磷化的分类 目前尚无统一规定的磷化分类方法,人们常以磷化膜的几种特点进行分类: (1)根据磷化溶液中使用的二价金属磷酸二氢盐的不同进行分类,有磷酸锌系、磷酸锰系、磷酸锌锰系、磷酸锌钙系、磷酸铁系等几种。 (2)根据磷化工作温度的不同分类,有高温磷化(80℃以上)、中温磷化(60~75℃)、低温磷化(35℃~55℃)和常温磷化(15~35℃)。 (3)按磷化施工方式的不同分类,有喷淋式磷化、浸渍式磷化、喷浸结合式磷化、涂刷式磷化。
在JF-M306锰系磷化处理**定要完全除掉附着在被处理物表面的锈、油脂类润滑脂、灰尘、污垢等。清洗方法好与坏因为和处理加工相关,所以请充分注意。 精密零件用一般的**溶剂清净,除了特殊的情况,避开强碱型脱脂剂的使用和酸洗。有加工硬化层的工件一定要酸洗活化充分。
● 本覆膜因能防止转动,滑动部位表面金属同类的接触,所以不发生吸附、咬合等现象。
● 本覆膜是耐腐蚀性的覆膜,膜呈黑灰色,因为吸油性好,所以能提高处理表面的滑动性。
● 经此处理后机械加工时能够除去轻度的切削孔。
JF-M306 M配槽液、JF-M306 R补给液
除油 水洗 酸洗 水洗 中和 水洗 表调 磷化 热水洗 脱水防锈油 干燥